UX Audit

Reach your business goals faster by improving user experience.
During a UX audit we examine your digital product, identifying bottlenecks and usability issues, and provide an actionable plan on how to fix them.

Is it for you?

Sounds great, but how do you know if you need a UX audit? If you are experiencing any of the following issues, it might be time to consider one.

Your users aren't spending time on your page

Users aren't interacting and spend less time than you would expect on your page or app.

Your visitors are not making a purchase

You are spending money on customer acquisition that brings new users to the website or app, but they are not converting into paying customers.

Your customer support channels are always busy

If your customer support team is working at the limit of their capacity, it probably means your users are confused, and are facing obstacles while navigating your product.

Your metrics are underperforming

Several of your key metrics are underwhelming, and you are not certain why this is happening.

Further team Further team

What will you get?

Customer feedback

We will gather and structure feedback through customer interviews and usability tests.

Revised user journey

Based on the customer feedback, we will create an adjusted user journey map.

Improved navigation

Usability tests and techniques such as card sorting will help us provide an amended information architecture plan.

Action plan

At the end of the process you will get a report with identified issues, opportunities and actionable insights.

The UX Audit Process



We start by getting to know your product, your goals, your team and, most importantly, your customers. We create user personas, prepare interview questions and schedule the interviews. During this time we also set up analytics tools on your product so they start gathering valuable data.



We conduct user interviews and usability tests with customers to gather qualitative data. Meanwhile, we are also looking at the metrics provided by the different analytics tools for quantitative data that support these findings. Our UI team will also look at you product to identify design issues, inconsistencies and anti-patterns.



We structure all our findings, identify opportunities for improvement and offer a ready-to use action plan that you can start implementing right away.

Further team Further team Further team

Download a sample UX Audit

UX Audit Sample

Success stories from our pleased customers:

MPRX Ferenc Fodor testimonial

Further held several workshops with us, the aim of which was to map our current products and to define and coordinate our goals. (...) They found the right solutions in a short time, keeping in mind customer needs. In the process, it became clear that they have serious expertise in digital product development and digital transformation projects.

Ferenc FODOR, Menedzser Praxis

Let's start something together!

Do you have an idea, project or partnership proposal?
We're always willing and ready to listen to any request. So, if you like our work and you want to discuss, just grab your phone or keyboard and contact us.